How You Can Benefit

At Burgin & Doyle it’s about providing what you need, when you need it. We have a range of services we can deliver to produce better results for you and your business and or concept. The services include for example (but are not limited to):


Whether you have a concept you want to launch or you are an existing business, taking time to ensure all stakeholders are aligned, then to develop your ‘Intention Vision Mission’ and test the business model is critical. Some of the services available in this arena include:

Marketing … To generate more quality leads.

Marketing is one of those areas that is a mystery for most business owners, even within large companies marketing can be one of those areas where we pull our hair out. This is because its typically not our skill set – we’re good at whatever it is our business does – we’re usually not so great at telling the story such that your target audience ‘gets it’ and wants it! Some of the services available in this arena include:


Sales… To increase gross revenues

Obviously sales are the lifeblood of any business. However, for some people sales is the hard part – either making sales themselves or managing sales people (who can often be tricky!)

To grow sales we need to improve the quality of leads coming in, improve the process we take those potential customers or clients through and make sure they understand the value we offer compared to others, in other words ‘why us’. Some of the services available in this arena include:

Business Structures… To get it right and ensure profits.

The structures within your business create the context for the whole sch-bang. We have to make sure the foundations are there, the right financial management, legal protections, governance and more to move your business forward. Some of the services available in this arena include:

Personal… To lead from the front

Your business is a reflection of you.

We have to work on you, to work on the business – one cannot grow without the other. Your business will never outperform your leadership.

As a result, we offer coaching and development of you as a person and as a leader, as we move through the process of growing and developing your business or concept to the next level. Some of the services available in this arena include:

Training & Coaching… To build your culture and team

Most staff complain that they do not get enough training. Most owners complain their staff just ‘don’t get it’. To bridge the gap training can be provided, however, beyond standard ‘training’ packages, Burgin & Doyle training is about ‘culture building’ designed to create buy-in, inspiration and motivation, as well as education for your team. Topics can include:

Beyond training, support can be provided in all areas of Human Resource Management.